About us (actually, it's just me)

Hi there! Thank you kindly for dropping by. I'm Wazza, the chap behind Mockstars. Best known for designing stuff, running marathons, cycling up steep Yorkshire hills and drinking copious amounts of tea.

On one wet and windy day way back in 2012, I found myself staring out of my studio window (whilst balancing my favourite pencil on my top lip) asking myself whether I should go out for a bike ride or not.
To avoid getting drenched and blown away I decided to stay put, make another cuppa, pop on some classic 80s tunes and have a mess about on my computer instead. As a result of this decision, I ended up creating my very first Mockstar – Vinyl Richie.

All my music icon Mockstars are influenced by their original name. I put the selected star through a witty, witty, bang, bang, word play generating blending mega machine. After leaving to cook at 180˚C for 23 minutes, out pops the unique Mockstars name. It’s then drop kicked to Vector, aka Wazza (me) a tea laden graphic designer/ illustrator person to bring it to life in a medley of various shapes and colours. After a good work out of mouse clicks, the odd reviewing session over a Dame Edna Beverage and topped off with a final dose of chuckle chops humour, I’m finally biff, baff, boff ready to induct the new edition into the Hall of Fame ready for you to view and hopefully like enough to purchase.

The Mockstars Pun Factory is based in the UK, just outside the West Yorkshire town of Huddersfield. If you don’t know it, Google it. It’s quite nice. I can often see cows grazing in the fields from outside of my su suss susstudio window.

Looking for something to occupy myself with during the Coronavirus lockdown, I remembered an 'eye'dea I'd put on the back burner when Mockstars was first established but never got around to starting. With my interest in cycling and black rubber circles, I set the wheels in motion to create a new fun concept. Roadie Jodie was my first 'Eyecon' to be conceived, soon to be followed by 15 new arrivals to add to the bunch. I've since rolled out the concept into the world of sporting heros and the stars of the big and small screen.
With this new concept came this new shiny website that you've landed on today. Thanks for visiting.